During a recent passenger lift LOLER 1998 inspection visit in a city centre apartment block we had to issue an immediate defect report on the steel suspension ropes which raise and lower the lift car.
Three of the six ropes were severely splintered with a 6% loss in their over all diameters.
This now meant that the only passenger lift in this particular six storey building was out of service pending the replacement of all six suspension ropes.
No doubt this was a huge inconvenience for the residents in this building and especially for those living beyond the 2nd floor.
A maintenance schedule had only just recently been put in place for this lift but there was no record or evidence of any LOLER inspections.
An engineer surveyor never enjoys inconveniencing people when removing lifting equipment from service.
That said, we have a duty of care to protect all users of faulty or worn lifting equipment from death or serious injury.
Lifting equipment owners also have a duty of care to ensure that their kit is safe to use and fit for purpose.
It’s simply not worth neglecting regular maintenance and independent inspections on lifting equipment in a futile bid to cut costs.
In the UK it is a legal requirement for all passenger lifts to be inspected every six months by a competent person.
Contact us for a free no obligation inspection quote.