Vehicle Lifts

Vehicle Lifts come in many different variations such as the vertical post(s), platform and scissor type.
The one illustrated is the classic twin post ramp powered by two electric motors driving the screws. This type of twin post vehicle lift can also be powered by hydraulics.

A six monthly periodic examination frequency by a competent person is absolutely essential for this type of kit. Vehicle lifts are subject to LOLER 1998 and states ‘every employer shall ensure that their vehicle lift(s) is thoroughly examined a) following initial installation and b) prior to use at a new site or new location following re-assembly.

This particular regulation (Regulation 9) also applies to other types of lifting equipment which have been re-assembled at another location.

Vehicle Lift Inspection

If you are working under a one tonne plus vehicle then surely you need to know that it’s perfectly safe to do so?

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